INC List
“INC” stands for Interested but Not Committed. Pro Flag Football offers an INC List™ for both its tournament and league events so coaches have visibility to the teams interested in participating prior to registering for the actual event. This service is to provide transparency to coaches interested in seeing both Registered teams and Interested teams to a particular event to determine if the competition is right for his / her team.

What's The Difference Between Recreational & Competitive Divisions?
Recreational division play is for teams participating with their current NFL Flag league roster. Players on the tournament team roster must match the league roster. NO GUEST PLAYERS ALLOWED. Roster verification will be conducted by the tournament prior to any team being accepted into this division.
Competitive division play is for teams who have recruited players to participate on the team and expect to play in the most competitive division in the tournament. The tournament reserves the right to create multiple divisions based on the number of registrations and the competitiveness of the teams.

How Are Age Divisions Determined?
Age Group is determined by the age of the oldest player on your roster as of January 1st of the current year. For example if your older player is 10 on January 1st of this year, your team is in the 10U age group.

What Playoff Format Will Be Used?
Flag Football X out of the Dallas area has one of the most attractive playoff formats in the industry so we will use the same format:
Pool Play - All teams participate in a 3 game guarantee Pool Play round, playing the other teams in their division.
Playoffs - All teams will advance into the playoffs in groups of 4, re-seeded by performance in Group/Pool Play. Playoffs will be single elimination until there is a Champion and Finalist.
Awards - Awards are given to both Champions and Finalists

Does The Tournament Combine Age Groups To Build Divisions?
Yes. The tournament may combine age groups (like 7U & 8U or 10U & 11U) to be sure there's an appropriate number of teams in each division.